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Black Eyed Peas Wallpapers

Install a Black Eyed Peas wallpaper on your desktop and enjoy!

Black Eyed Peas wallpaper no. 1  Black Eyed Peas wallpaper no. 1  Black Eyed Peas wallpaper no. 1
800 × 600   (128 kB)

1024 × 768   (182 kB)
  800 × 600   (128 kB)

1024 × 768   (182 kB)
  800 × 600   (128 kB)

1024 × 768   (182 kB)

Links: http://blackeyedpeas.rarevinyl.de http://rarevinyl.blackeyedpeas.com

Download and installation instructions:

Make sure which size you need depending on your screen resolution (800 × 600 or 1024 × 768 pixels). Click on the format you want below the image.

WINDOWS PC: A left click will open another window of your browser and show the wallpaper image. MS Internet Explorer v.6 may downsize its natural span nevertheless you have downloaded the full size image. Next thing to do is clicking with the right mouse button on the wallpaper image and chose "As Background" (MS IE) or
"Set As Wallpaper" (Netscape) from the appearing pop-up menu.

A click with the right mouse button on the format gives you a pop-up menu where you have to chose
"Save target as ..." or "Save link as ...". You will have saved the wallpaper image on your hard disk then.

MACINTOSH: Click and hold on the format you want below the image and select "Save this Image as ..." in Netscape or "Download image to disk" in MS IE. After saving the image, you can set it as your wallpaper using the Appearance control panel.

The number in brackets indicates the file size in kilobytes. If you have a slow internet connection it will last some time to download your Black Eyed Peas wallpaper image.

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